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Discourse settings discussion


Most of the Discourse settings are pretty obvious, but here’s one that I could go either way on:

Use traditional linebreaks in Markdown, which require two trailing spaces for a linebreak

It is currently unset, but I’m leaning towards setting it.

this would make haiku more difficult to post but oh well I suppose. thoughts?


I definitely write with two line breaks as a new paragraph, I don’t know about others however.


I suppose the question is if you write single line breaks in the middle of a paragraph. I’m a staunch supporter of this for latex but I don’t think I really mind either way here. Perhaps it’s best to start with traditional linebreaks? I doubt we will be getting much verse.


I’d stick with default Markdown settings wherever possible so new users can use external guides to figure out formatting (plus they have this lovely preview pane to the right).


Problem with Markdown is dialects. GitHub-flavored markdown and it’s external guides is different than Pandoc markdown. But, I totally agree with you Michael.


Traditional Markdown linebreaks have been turned on. This will force people to use the preformatted text for code blocks, etc. I’m still on the fence.


Also, by the way, there are all sorts of settings for minimum post length, etc, and if something about that annoys you then let me know and I’ll change it.